Sunday, June 25, 2006

starry nights.

after another strange and intriguing night, i have come to the conclusion that i have an exceedingly wild imagination. up to the extent that it may not be too good for my own sanity. and now, my head is throbbing and its bloody painful and irritating. plus, i couldnt sleep much because that, resulting in a very sleepy me. worse still, i was watching the germany match. damn worth it. anywaes, i even feel asleep on the table while writing something. loll.

read some horoscope, (2 versions actually) for fun today after i was prompted by a friend. surprisingly, both were rather accurate. one was about my social ife and the other was about my work. haha. cant believe that tomorrow is the first day of semester two. 1 month went by so quickly. i'd love to see all my friends but well, there's common tests to go through. good luck everyone!

my head still hurts btw. wonder how i'm going to survive for the rest of the day. oh yea, i know how. according to indra, (who i think burnt himself out studying chem yesterday nite cos he's not respoinding to my sms) with style.

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